Plan Your Trip

If you have never visited a hospital overseas, don’t worry. We help many international patients every day. Airport welcome, transfer, accommodation organization, doctor examination, appointment organization and many more services are provided with an experienced team. 

Our International Patient Services provide the following services:

      • Free of Charge Medical Second Opinion

      • Free of Charge Doctor Selection

      • Travel and Accommodation Organization

      • Assistance during hospital stay period

      • Assistance during/after discharge period

      • Translation & Interpreting

      • Entertainment (exploring Istanbul, shopping and so forth)

    On this page, you will find how we can help you.

    Get to know us

    This website answers your questions about the hospital, doctors, health services and the services we provide to our international patients. Learn about us, where we are, which services we provide and how our establishment looks like. 

    Start learning by watching this short video about our hospital.


    Medical Second Opinion

    When you decide to travel to another country for diagnosis or treatment, being informed about details related to the treatment or diagnostic tests, hospitalization period and prices before your arrival, will make your decision easier. If you send us your medical documents (discharge reports, examination results and so forth) before your arrival, you will have an opportunity to be informed about your estimated treatment process that has been suggested by our physicians and about approximate price. Moreover, having an opportunity to receive a second opinion from another physician, will make you feel more confident during your treatment process.

    You will receive a comprehensive medical opinion report regarding your diagnostic and treatment option as soon as possible.

    Second Step: Choose a Doctor or Ask Us for Advice

    The next step for many patients is the doctor selection. We have more than 400 doctors from more than 60 different specialties.

    Make an Appointment

    When you are ready to plan the visit to our hospital, use Contact Us pages. 

    The information you provide on this form is very helpful for us to understand you and give you a better response. We will forward your inquiry to an appropriate medical professional and you will receive advice within a few days. For further requests, you can use the same form. Sometimes we will schedule a phone conversation with you or your local physician if it is needed.

    The appointment request will be concluded by our international patient services according to the date and doctor requested. Our team will contact you and create an appointment. The appointment will be e-mailed to you.   

    Planning the Trip

    If you are not assisted by a travel agency for your trip to our country in order to receive medical treatment, our team will support you in any means: making reservations for flight, visa, greeting in the airport and transfer processes. We are in agreement with many hotels around our hospital and in city center.

    Visa Procedures

    If you are coming from a country with visa requirements, you should get your visa before coming to Turkey for medical treatment. There is a “Medical Visa” in Visa options. If you want to get a Medical Visa, please, send your and your attendants’ passport information to our specialist (your country specialist in our hospital) who will be taking care of you. Thus you will be provided with an official letter which will be used during the visa application. Moreover, apart from using this letter in visa application, you can also use it by presenting it to a fund or a ministry who is going to finance your treatment (if there are any). In addition, if you wish, in this scope, we can prepare and provide you with a separate letter.

    Airport Welcome and Transfer

    When you decide to come to our hospital our expert logistics team will -welcome you at the airport and help you with the transportation processes. This service is provided free of charge.

    After your arrival, you need to present us the following information so that we can help you:

    Name-surname and passport information (including your attendants)

    Flight booking or ticket information


    Upon your request, we will contact the hotels we are working with and present you the reservation prices. Your reservation will be made based on your choice. You should gather detailed information from our specialists who will contact you about staying one of our guest houses during extended periods of treatment. 

    Hotel reservation support is provided to you free of charge.

    Assistance During Hospital Stay Period

    Please make sure that you bring your passport and all medical documents with you before you come to Turkey and our hospital. This will help to speed up the treatment process and provide an opportunity for more detailed examination.

    You can demand any kind of help and support from your country specialist, who speaks in your mother tongue, before and after you come to the hospital. Moreover, you can also demand any kind of help and support from an interpreter who assists you.

    Furthermore, you can ask any health-related questions to your doctor. If you have language barrier, our interpreters will help you establish successful communication.

    Assistance During/After Discharge Period

    We offer you any kind of assistance during/after discharge period. The reports of your whole treatment process are kept in your personal archive file, the English translation of which will be provided to you during the discharge period. Therefore, do not forget to request the English translation of your medical documents from your country specialist or interpreter. According to your wish, the translated medical documents can be provided directly to you or via your email address. Moreover, after you are discharged from the hospital you can demand any kind of help and support from our specialists which are ready to assist you via e-mail or telephone. If you need a new appointment, filling the form (use “Contact Us page please”) is enough.

    Translation & Interpreting Services

    We offer translation & interpreting services at out hospital in Istanbul. Our professional translators and interpreters use their mother/foreign language skills in order to provide invaluable services to patients, their families and medical practitioners alike. Therefore, when you decide to travel to Turkey for diagnosis or treatment do not worry about communication barrier you may encounter.